Tummy Tuck - Abdominoplasty

Due to pregnancies, massive weight loss and laxity of the abdominal muscles, a more or less significant laxity of the abdominal wall can occur. This gives rise to a “round belly” and / or excess of skin, that will not be able to be hidden by clothes.

An abdominoplasty addresses these concerns by tightening the skin on the underside of the abdomen (after removing excess fat) often in combination with tightening of the underlying muscles. This surgery is done through an incision at the lower abdomen (the line of the underwear or bikini). Often an abdominoplasty is performed in combination with liposuction. This gives you a flatter tummy and a better silhouette.

The surgery is done under general anaesthesia, takes two hours to perform and a hospital stay of three days is usually required.

During your consultation your surgeon will discuss with you the desired results. He will also discuss with you the possible discomforts and complications.



Localized fatty deposits under the skin surface can give rise to a distorted silhouette. These can often be difficult to eliminate by exercise or diets.

Liposuction gives you a better silhouette, but is not intended to lose weight.

The procedure is performed through small incisions (2-5 mm) through which the liposuction cannulas are introduced.

A liposuction can range from a small local liposuction to a ‘total silhouette liposuction’, depending on the amount of fat to remove and the number of zones to be addressed. This surgery is performed under local or general anaesthesia and is done in day clinic.

During your consultation your surgeon will discuss with you the desired results. He will also discuss with you the possible discomforts and complications.

Post Massive Weight Loss - Post-Bariatric Surgery

After massive weight loss (by diets and / or bariatric surgery), most patients suffer from excess skin in several places (belly, arms, thighs, face, etc.). Although most patients are happy with their considerable weight loss, their joy is not complete until after addressing this’ skin problem’, as they are often quite complexed about it and experience a great deal of shame.

These interventions often result in some scars that are as far as possible hidden. The primary goal is to improve the silhouette, so these patients look better with clothes.

During your consultation your surgeon will discuss with you the surgical options and possible incisions. He will also discuss with you the possible discomforts and complications.

Intimate Surgery - Labioplasty - Vaginal Tightening - G-spot Enhancement

Labiaplasty - surgery of the intimate zones.

The procedure is done under local or general anaesthesia, takes one hour to perform and is done in the day clinic. During your consultation Prof. Zeltzer will discuss with you the desired results. He will also discuss with you the possible discomforts and complications.


In lipofilling harvested fat is used in order to fill another area.

A liposuction is performed in one area and the fat transferred to a different area typically the face, breasts or hands, but other areas as well.

The indications, problems and results will be discussed with your surgeon.